Saturday, March 26, 2011

Under Attack?

When a culture begins to be exposed to another outside culture, drastic things happen. As we have seen over and over again, small pockets of civilization come up against ‘invading’ forces. Good examples are the natives of Hawaii or the American Indian nations spread across our entire country. It also happened countless times throughout the world whenever an existing culture clashed with a new one from outside their society. 

As the new culture arrives, the indigenous peoples gradually begin to absorb language and customs from the invaders. If this clash is not violent, the process still occurs, it just takes a little longer. With this progression, the original language is gradually absorbed and begins to fade. This movement toward a new language, causes the prior one to dim. Over time, the absorption continues and eventually the language goes away. The loss of the language, beliefs and customs is next. Eventually the whole society disappears. 

You are probably wondering about the application of this process to our Christian growth. If you stand back and look at what is happening to our Christian culture you will see that it is eroding away. It begins with language. After that, our customs and beliefs are threatened.  Our youth are exposed to Christian-ese for only about an hour a week. That is not enough! They are exposed to the World for the rest of the week. It is not enough to sit in a youth group or service for just an hour. 

As the new generation reaches maturity and begins to assume the role of leaders within the church, they are not well schooled in the Christian-ese, doctrine and beliefs of the Christian community. The process continues. The following generation will be even less so. Eventually, we as a Christian society will no longer exist!! 

What do we do to slow the process down and eventually turn it around? We need to counter some of the worldly exposure with some of our own. While the exposure at church helps, it is not enough! We as Christian grandparents, parents, family and friends need to expose the future leaders of our churches to our language. We need to ensure that the language does not get absorbed and die a slow death! We need to set the example for those within our circle of influence. We should expose them to the ‘GOOD’ things in life. They already see too much of the world. Use your Christian-ese, teach them the Christian language and the lessons that you learned as a child. 

Bring them up to understand that Christians are truly blessed by God. Teach them what it means to have that special relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

Train up a child in the way he should go, 
even when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

If that is not done, the future of our Christian churches is in peril…

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Launch Pad

There are so many things rattling around in my head that I am having difficulty deciding on a launching spot. Do I start with salvation? How about being born again, basic doctrine, or the Trinity? The Bible, prayer, the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit or even the divinity of God himself. The possibilities are endless!

The class I'm currently taking is about Pentecostal Doctrine. Maybe that is a good starting point. We should start with a general discussion of what doctrine is and the need for doctrine in our world. Webster defines it as:

     1   :archaic : teaching, instruction
     2a : something that is taught  
       b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of 
                  knowledge or system of belief
As you can see, a doctrine as we are using it, is a series of principles which are the glue that binds us together. We need that fundamental structure as guidelines for life. Without guidelines, there is chaos. As new members join the body, they need to be taught the doctrine of the church. In today's world, this is often a problem. There is movement toward trying to be "everything to everybody." Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that is not possible! It is imperative that we have a solid foundation under us. Would you build your house upon the sand or on bedrock?

"Therefore everyone who hears these works of Mine and acts upon them,
may be compared to a wise man , who built his house upon the rock."
Matthew 7:24
Where does this structure originate? The foundation of church doctrine is contained within the Bible. The apostle Paul was a firm believer in the importance of sound doctrine. He spoke of it on many occasions. Note the letters written to Timothy and Titus (1 Timothy 1:10, 2 Timothy 4:3, Titus 1:9 and Titus 2:1).

While there are many types of doctrine in the church, I plan on getting into the doctrines that are important to the Pentecostal church. There are sixteen fundamental truths which were adopted by the Assembly of God at its inception. Of these, there are four 'core' beliefs (Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ). I will concentrate on these core beliefs but plan on touching on all of them at some point.

Once again, let me know how you feel too...

Ladies & Gentlemen... Start your engines!

So goes the command at the start of a race. As I start this new experience, that expression comes to mind. My race is of a different kind though. It doesn't have an ending. It goes on forever.

I am beginning this blog to allow you the opportunity to travel and grow with me as I move in the direction that God is leading. Right now, I'm not sure of what path that will take, but I do know the ultimate and final destination. 

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: 
I will guide thee with mine eye
Psalm 32:8

Over the last couple of years, I have become very active in my walk with the Lord. I serve as a Sunday School teacher, leader of the men's ministries, constructed and maintained a church website, and spent time in Mexico on a missions trip. After returning home, I definitely saw the need for 'outreach' activity within my church and town. I started and chair an outreach committee. The committee has begun several different projects within our community. 

As a member of a study group, I needed a project to stretch myself a little more as well as use some of the things learned in the group. I decided to do so by starting a blog. Hopefully, I will stay on track and see where it leads. As these travels take you and me down the road, let me hear from you. I'm open to suggestions and questions...