In 1 Corinthians 9:19, Paul wrote "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself slave to everyone, to win as many as possible." Paul was following the Great Commission to the letter. He was out there spreading the word to all people regardless of their background, language, religion, status, etc.
As pointed out in The Local Church in Evangelism, Third Edition (pg. 31), "We are called to reach people who are different from us. Christian witness should not only be only to 'our kind of people.' The Holy Spirit will enable us to effectively communicate with many kinds of people."

The next time you come across a person who is down on their luck or spiritually lost, remember that Jesus said that that we were to go into the world and touch them. His church is not to be a social club for those like us, it should be inclusive and welcome all.
A church is a family, God's family. God did not design the church to keep certain kinds of people out, but to bring all kinds of people in!
Remember that as you travel the roads in your community. There are many untouched and lost souls out there waiting for you!.
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